CMIS 102 Add a second circle to the program. It has its own size and move size (inputted from user). This is mostly just duplicating the code for the one circle. Both circles move at the same time. Make a sound effect when a circle hits a wall (see A different sound for each circle. If that was fun this will be more fun. Have the two circles do something interesting if they touch, collide, or intersect each other. Something like change colors, and bounce off each other (maybe just randomly change direction). Hint: the circles are touching or overlapping if the distance between their centers is less than or equal to the sum of their radiuses (or radii). Hint hint: distance between two points can be found by Mr. Pythagoras' formula. See circledistance.gif If the user so chooses, oscillate the circle's size between a min and a max value specified by the user, i.e. shrink the size until min, then expand until size is max.