CMIS 102A Lab Download the program from the class web site. Modify it so that it uses a user-specified amount of time to delay each iteration of the loop. Use the sleep method incantation that we used before: try { Thread.sleep(sleepDelay); //int variable. pause in milliseconds } catch (InterruptedException e) { } Put a showStatus() in the loop to display the values of the x and y variables. showStatus method has one String parameter, which can be built up using the + string concatenation operator. Modify the program so the circle never goes outside the applet area. Hint: check the x and y values. If x < 0, set it back to 0 If x > getWidth(), set it back to getWidth() similar for the y values... Because the x and y are the oval's upper lefthand corner instead of the center it will still drift off the right and bottom one circle's width. Fix this by making x and y the center point of the circle and offsetting them by the radius for fillOval's parameters: fillOval(x-size/2, y-size/2, size, size) Modify the program so that it changes color every so often (i.e. a user- specified number of moves). Hint: "every so often" by modding the loop counter variable by the number and seeing if that's 0: if (i%N == 0) //do something every N loops Change it to a random color using: //1. declare a Color object and initialize it to red: Color mycolor = Color.RED; //2. assign a new random Color object: //(the 3 parameters are the red, green and blue (RGB) components that //are the "primary colors" of each pixel of a monitor. Each RGB //component is a number from 0 to 255 that represents the intensity of //that component, from off at 0 to full brightness at 255) mycolor = new Color((int)(Math.random()*256), (int)(Math.random()*256), (int)(Math.random()*256)); //3. use the Color object to set the color: g.setColor(myColor); [Add sounds to program, say a different sound clip for each different wall boundary that is touched, or differnet sounds for different directions the circle moves in.] Change your web site's index.html so that it has html, head, title and body tags. Don't forget the end tags. Include the bg attribute of the body tag with a color that leaves links readable.