CMIS 102A Make a program that inputs numbers from the user and counts the number of times they transition from positive to negative and negative to positive. Example: 5 2 8 -2 -4 1 -3 has 3 such transtitions (8 to -2, -4 to 1, 1 to -3) Make a program that inputs numbers from the user and counts the number of consecutive duplicates. Example: 5 2 8 8 2 4 4 4 3 has 3 "duplicates": 8 8, 4 4, 4 4(second time) Make a program that inputs strings until the user inputs "quit". Count the number of inputted strings, the shortest and longest strings, the sum of the number of characters in the all the strings (the length of a string is available with the .length() method: String s="asdf"; s.length() evaluates to the length of the string Make a program that inputs an integer and determines the number of digits it has. The integer must be less than 100,000. Make a program that inputs a positive integer and outputs a string of that many *'s in a JOptionPane message. hint: loop concatenating a * character to a string. Modify the Sticks program so that it makes randomly colored lines. Modify the Bouncing program so that it changes color periodically. The period is specified by the user. Add comments to the else ifs to clarify what directions are being used and changed. Modify the Explosion program to have two centers of "explosion".