CMIS 102 Lab exercise All the programs are in on the class web site. Download that file and unzip if it's not already on your computer. Run the sqrting.cpp program. Input positive and negative numbers and then 0. Run it and enter a 0 as the first number. Change the program so that any negative number is a sentinel that stops the loop. Run the error_checking_loops.cpp. Test all cases by entering a number less than 1, a number greater than 10 and then a number in the valid range. Enter characters that are invalid, then a valid letter grade. Change the program so that the valid range is 15 through 21. Test to make sure it's correct. Change the program so that || is used instead of && in the letter grade loop and see that everything is now considered invalid (Moral: when we say "or" in English we often mean logical "and"). Run the temp_table2.cpp. Make a table from 0 to 100 by 10's. Make one from 25 to 65 by 5's. Make an infinite table by using a negative increment. Modify the program so that negative increments are rejected as invalid (hint: use an error-checking loop, not an if statement that gives the user only one chance to correct the invalid input). Run the rectangle.cpp. Make various sized rectangles, including the skinny ones. Modify the program so that it displays the row number at the start of each row, like this example: Enter size of rectangle 5 4 1**** 2**** 3**** 4**** 5**** Further modify it so that displays the row number also at the end of each row, like this: 1****1 2****2 3****3 4****4 5****5 Further modify it so that displays the column number also at the top of each column, like this: 1234 1****1 2****2 3****3 4****4 5****5 Run the box.cpp. Make various sized boxes, including ones with no interior. Modify the program so that it also displays a diagonal line of stars from upper left to lower right corners of the box (hint: these positions are where the row number is the same as the column number).