header("Set-Cookie: icecream=yumyum;");

<title>Ice Cream Survey</title>

//initial GET, display "static" page

<form action="<?php $PHP_SELF; ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

text field<br>
<input name="username" size="30" type="text">

text field of maxlength<br>
<input name="age" size="2" maxlength="2" type="text">

password field<br>
<input name="password" size="20" type="password">

set of radio buttons.  one pre-selected with checked<br>
<input name="freq" value="hourly" type="radio" checked>Hourly<br>
<input name="freq" value="daily" type="radio">Daily<br>
<input name="freq" value="weekly" type="radio">Weekly<br>
<input name="freq" value="fortnightly" type="radio">Fortnightly<br>
<input name="freq" value="monthly" type="radio">Monthly<br>
<input name="freq" value="yearly" type="radio">Yearly<br>
<input name="freq" value="never" type="radio">Never<br>

checkboxes. two checked. [] for php<br>
<input name="emporia[]" value="Baskin-Robbins" type="checkbox" checked>Baskin-Robbins<br>
<input name="emporia[]" value="Blue Seal" type="checkbox" checked>Blue Seal<br>
<input name="emporia[]" value="Dairy Queen" type="checkbox">Dairy Queen<br>
<input name="emporia[]" value="A&amp;W" type="checkbox">A&amp;W<br>

select drop-down <br>
<select name="vote">
<option>Wasabi Goya</option>

select with multiples and selected.  [] for php<br>
<select name="mags[]" multiple>
<option selected="selected">Ice Cream Today</option>
<option>Ice Cream Internationale</option>
<option selected="selected">Weight Watchers</option>
<option>Ice Cream Guide</option>

<textarea name="poem" rows="6" cols="60">here is some default text already in
the textarea

file upload<br>
<input type="file" size="30" maxlength="100"  name="uploadFile">

<input value="Submit the survey" type="submit">

<input value="Clear your choices" type="reset">

<input value="This is a button button" type="button">

hidden field.  (view the source to see it)<br>
<input name="myhiddenfield" value="something meaningful in app" type="hidden">


//form has been posted to this php page
} else


  echo "Thanks for doing the survey.  Your submitted data:\n";

  echo "<p><table border=1>\n";
  echo "<tr><th>key</th><th>value</th></tr>\n";
  //foreach ($_POST as $key => $value)
  while (list($key,$value) = each($_POST)) {
    if (is_array($value))     //multiple select or checkboxes
      $value = join(" ",$value);   //change from array to string
    echo "<tr><td>$key<td>$value</tr>\n";
  echo "</table>\n";
