Sun stuff


Altitude of noon sun:°
Length of day:hours
Azimuth Rise:°
Azimuth Set:°

latitude location on Earth time of year altitude daylight hours azimuth sunrise azimuth sunset
N90° North pole
June solstice 23.4° 24
equinoxes 24
December solstice 0
N66.563° Arctic Circle
June solstice 46.8° 24
equinoxes 23.4° 12 90° 270°
December solstice 0
N23.437° Tropic of Cancer
June solstice 90° 13.4 64.3° 295.7°
equinoxes 66.6° 12 90° 270°
December solstice 43.2° 10.6 115.7° 244.3°
0° Equator
June solstice 66.6° 12 66.6° 293.4°
equinoxes 90° 12 90° 270°
December solstice 66.6° 12 113.4° 246.6°
S23.437° Tropic of Capricorn
June solstice 43.2° 10.6 64.3° 295.7°
equinoxes 66.6° 12 90° 270°
December solstice 90° 13.4 115.7° 244.3°
S66.563° Antarctic Circle
June solstice 0
equinoxes 23.4° 12 90° 270°
December solstice 46.8° 24
S90° South Pole
June solstice 0
equinoxes 24
December solstice 23.4° 24
latitude location on Earth time of year altitude daylight hours azimuth sunrise azimuth sunset
N26.3° Okinawa
June solstice 87° 13.6 63° 296°
equinoxes 63.5° 12 90° 270°
December solstice 40.3° 10.4 116° 244°
N13.4° Guam
June solstice 80° 12.8 66° 294°
equinoxes 76.4° 12 90° 270°
December solstice 53.2° 11.2 114° 246°

June solstice≈20/21 June. is summer solstice in northern hemisphere, winter solstice in southern hemisphere.
December solstice≈21/22 Dec. is winter solstice in northern hemisphere, summer solstice in southern hemisphere.