CSci 3102 Extension Winter 1994 Homework 1 DUE 19 Jan. The program that you will submit will draw a path between two points on the terminal screen. After prompting for two sets of points that represent the starting and destination location you will print the path from the source to the destination. Your program will prompt the user for four points representing the source and destination points in the form "sourcex sourcey destx desty". The program will terminate when a negative number is input for any of the four above integers. After reading the input and checking for the negative number, you will print to the screen a map of size 80 columns by 24 rows. The map must contain the following information: Path: For the pair of source and destination points you will output the path between them, using the character "-" to indicate horizontal movement and the character "|" to indicate vertical movement. For this lab you are required to compute a path with only vertical and horizontal movement, you don't need to compute diagonal or "as the crow flies" paths. There are two possible paths for each pair (ie. horizontal then vertical or vertical then horizontal). The program only needs to do one path. Mark the source point with an 'S' and the destination point with a 'D'. You may assume that the first point given is above and to the left of the second point; that is, sourcex < destx and sourcey < desty.